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I’d almost forgotten what sunshine was like it’s been cloudy and drizzly for so long. So I made the most of it with a nice walk to the seaside and a run along the beach. Well, not actually on the beach because I don’t think my legs would have coped with that for very long. Or at all. So it was a run along the path alongside the beach. But there were occasional drifts of sand on the pavement so it nearly counts as a beach run. There were also lots of interesting things to look at as well as all the people who were also taking advantage of the sunshine while it was here. I saw a ginormous crane moving big stacks of stone and stuff. There was a bulldozer moving sand around on the beach (I have no idea why but it looked good fun!). And there was a goat. Again, I’m not too sure why that was at the beach but it certainly makes a run interesting. I could hear the bleating before I saw the goat so there was added anticipation, followed by surprise and a swift giggle as I carried on past. I ended the run at a friends house because I was hot and wanted to grab a glass of ice water before making my way home. Well, I ended up staying there for an hour or so, then went off looking at houses with them because who doesn’t like nosing around other people’s houses! So, nearly 3 hours after setting off for my run I finally got home, tired and slightly over-heated, who knew sunshine could be so warm! Perhaps tomorrow I will be more appropriately dressed to cope with the sunshine. Or maybe not. The forecast says rain. Hmmm. 🙄

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